What For?

Un Nouvel Air brings a personalized answer and global expertise to brands concerned with anticipating the future, differentiating themselves and adjusting their strategy to what is currently taking place as well as to new emerging trends.

Beyond the traditional mission of a style office, the agency’s ambition is thus to anticipate, detect and identify, to single out and position, to develop and to structure, and finally, to create.

Anticipate major market developments, modes of behavior and consuming, new trends and movements that encounter each other.

Detect and identify the forms and emerging signs which carry with them meaning, creativity and commerce.

Single out and position the brand on its territory, help it to tell the best story and to refine its strategy (products, target and identity).

Develop and structure its line of products, transform trends into commerce.

Create products, forms, exclusive designs and drawings.

Who For?

For brands, creators, manufacturers, distributors, positioned locally and globally within the spheres of lifestyle, object and interior design, textile and decoration, beauty and well-being.


Un Nouvel Air has the ambition to single out its method by taking on a perspective that emphasizes the mapping over of approaches and territories. From design to contemporary art, from style to philosophy, from fashion to the economy: this plurality of trends and influences establishes our forward-looking approach.

In a world in which all signs and trends coexist legitimately, a trend agency must suggest a reflection that brings together style and marketing, style and concept, style and communication.

Beyond the ‘new’, what matters today are ideas of identity and how to stand out; these are the foundation for a lasting success. Beyond the sole issue of style, we favor ideas of scenario and storytelling. They are the keys for success for every brand: identity, distinctiveness, legibility.

Finally, the agency is committed to insure to its clients exclusiveness, within a perimeter equally leveled according to range, product and distribution.


After collaborating over many years, in a freelance or full time capacity, with major style consultants from Paris (François Bernard, the Nelly Rodi agency, Elizabeth Leriche), François Delclaux launches Un Nouvel Air in 2006.

He brought together a team of collaborators, both freelance and full time, with diversified and extensive skills, as well as outside consultants : stylists, textile and object designers, graphic designers, along with sociologists, journalists, artists and philosophers :

According to the nature of the collaborations and investigations, he puts together a dedicated team devoted specifically, exclusively and progressively to the task.